Existing Patients

New Patients

Patient Info

We love welcoming new patients, existing patients or former in-patients to the practice. Please follow the steps below in the appropriate area to get started.

New Patients

We’re so honored you chose us to support you in your mental health needs. Before we can set up an appointment, you’ll need to register in our system.

To begin the process, click on the Register Now button below, which will take you to our New Patient Registration Form.

Read through the practice Policies and acknowledge them before completing the registration form.

Divorced parents with joint custody must provide a copy of the custody agreement for new patients noting which parent has medical decision-making authority.

Existing Patients

You are already registered in our system and you can log-in at the top of our website to quickly access our electronic record system.

Using the system you can make appointments for all of our treatment services.

If you’ve forgotten your password you can reset it.